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The postgraduate program “Materiality and Production” includes a three-year study program which is characterized by its international and interdisciplinary orientation, a structured doctoral training, work-orientated practice opportunities both inside and outside Germany and a strong subject-specific motivation for mobility. The schedule of the study program includes regular interdisciplinary events and courses that are intended to introduce students to scientific scholarship as well as discussions concerning the theories, methods and topics prevalent in the areas that are relevant for the dissertations. The study program intentionally clusters the events in the first four semesters in order to give the doctoral students the opportunity to focus on writing their dissertations in the final year, accompanied by colloquiums and a final international conference.

From day one the postgraduate program emphasises collaboration and cooperation between the doctoral students in order to encourage the development of the identity of the research group and to foster a culture of discussion. This intensive exchange is further supported by group excursions, the organization of a conference, joint publications and by providing a collaborative work and social environment.


The courses of the study program are mandatory for all doctoral students.


Research colloquium: interdisciplinary methods and topics, biweekly

Lecture series: complementary disciplines and central concepts, interdisciplinary, biweekly (public)

Workshop on method and theory: elementary methodological concepts relevant to the research topics as well central overlapping topics; every 4 weeks

Workshop: central concepts, interdisciplinary and internation; three day event

Excursion: three to five days

Conference: topic to be decided by the doctoral students; maximum of three days (public)

Courses teaching key skills

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